
Friday, May 8, 2009


Busi and her "sister"

One of the soccer stadiums in South Africa being built for the 2010 World Cup. Soweto has its own Orlando Stadium

Mopanya Mall Soweto with Busi - See script below

In case there is any doubt where I am

One of the hundreds of markets in Soweto

My South African friends may recognise this name. It was a main road in Soweto

Dube train station - Soweto has many suburbs. It is bigger in population than Joburg.

Busi outside one of the schools. From kindergarten the kids are taught about AIDS as you can see from the background

The South African government has built three million houses since 1994 to house the population. Busi's parents had this house given to them (along with the other 3M people. It was built to lock up and they had to put up the walls etc. Many of these older houses are now quite elaborate as people have done extensions to the. A real positive for the government and best of all no costs to maintain them as people own them and are responsible for them.

Busi and her dad. She has never lved with her parents since young

The HIV message at the school

Busi's aunt's (who she calls mum) house where she has lived for over forty years still has washing facilities outside but no-one was complaining

Busi's sister (cousin) who she grew up with

Her mum (aunt)

Another "sister" we visited at work.

Many people have a negative view of Soweto however I managed to get to Soweto twice on this trip. First weekend on my arrival went with Ans a friend from Sydney doing work at the Hillbrow Anglican Church. This blog features photos from mt trip there with Busi a young girl from Bergville who comes originall from Soweto. This was a real inside view of Soweto. It is no longer the rundown township of the 80s and 90s and in fact has quite a bit of good housing and an amzing shopping centre. I felt a lot safer in Soweto than I did in Joburg.

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