Sundays is church in Tanzania and it is a big and sometimes long event. We had church, gifts and a lavish dinner from our host. Mostly in pictures.
Three cathedrals in Rorya, Tarime and Musoma and three village churches in Tarime. Services ran for an hour to three hours in the cathedrals. Visitors visited the following churches (Taken froma whatsapp message)
Jodie McNeill – Musoma with Kim Kelly, Mandy and Eddie
David Morgan Rorya Cathedral preaching with Jim K, Lucy Lim amd Michael Charles
Rev Robin Vonk Tarime Cathedral preaching
Dr Dorothy Prentice Tarime Cathedral 8.30am translator
John Sandeman Tarime GAMASARA Parish
Barbara Stephens Tarime GAMASARA Parish 9.30am
Craig Roberts Tarime KITAGASEMBE Parish 9am
Elizabeth Roberts Tarime KITAGASEMBE Parish
Ruby Roberts Tarime KITAGASEMBE Parish
Fiona McLean Tarime NYANSURURA Parish 9.00am
Kevin Barraclough Tarime NYANSURURA Parish 9am
Steele’s 9.30am Tarime
The photos tell the stories although Rorya and Tarime photos are scarce.
Rorya is a Diocese which was established in 2010 out of mara Diocese. It covers one government district and on my first visit in 2017 had no electricty and water was fetched from a nearby creek. Anglican Aid has undertaken some water projects supplying wells including one in a village near the cathedral. The first bishop died in 2020 and Bishop Musa Yamo Masala (Musa) was installed as bishop in 2021,, having come from Mara Diocese where he was principal of Bunda Bible College

Unfortunately the group going to Rorya had a flat tyre five minutes from the church but still got a full service with unbelieveably 15 choirs.

To view a video of David Morgan preaching (well the start) just click

To exerience some of the music at Rorya just click and watch two conservative middle aged Sydney Anglican men transformatively worship like the locals click above. This may change worship music and style in Sydney for the better. Apparently Lucy Lim was airlifted by the locals but I am told no visual evidence of this is available.
Robyn Vonk preached at St Luke’s Cathedral in Tarime with Dorothy Prentice translating for him.

Robin Vonk and Dorothy Prentice on the steps of St Luke’s Cathedral Tarime with the translator

Meanwhile in Musoma Jodie McNeill preached and gave an invitation to anyone who would like Jesus to be their good shepherd. A young man responded and Jodie later had the privilege of baptising him after lunch after the Dean asked if he would be willing to do that. I took photos and videos so the following will give a flavour of what all others experienced in cathedral worship.
Interviews of visitors during announcements – Kim Kelly, Helen Hoskins (translating), Mandy McNeill and Jodie McNeill. Rev Canon Gaspar Kasanda translated the sermon.

Videos can be viewed by clicking on the links below
All photos in the album are here for those wanting more
After the service the church elders provided lunch and a time of greeting each other. A meeting about partnerships occurred (at their instigation). The hospitality extended to gifts being given to each of us.

Then the young man who had made a public commitment in response to the message was baptised by Jodie the video of which can be seen at the link.

Prior to leaving Musoma, the group visited the Bishop’s house (where I am staying) before heading off to Tarime in threatening weather. Apparently it bucketed down hail as well as rain during the choir festival, put on especially for the Archbishop of Sydney. We arrived in miserable conditions in waterlogged grounds. 500 young people were in the church on the property singing away. Those there described it and the rain in superlatives.

Bishop Mwita Akiri, his wife Mukami and daughters Mugure and Mbayo hosted all 19 of us in their home for a late dinner. Akiri’s home he built many years ago but was based in Dodoma for over ten years. His wife and daughters still live there but came up (1,000kms by bus) to greet us. Again prodigious hospitality under a covered African alfresco sky.

For journalist John Sandeman’s take on the day read The Other Cheek He was at the choir festival and has photos.
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