
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The beginning of the End - a farewell dinner

A treasured gift
Thembi presenteda gift

Vusi made an amazing speech

Carol's dining room transformed

Wednesday and Thursday spent working on the AAF project. At the apartment all day except for lunch with Christine Mennell in Winterton on Thursday.
Wednesday morning went to Bergville Primary School to talk to a group of kids who said they would like to heat about Australia – mainly grad 3&4. Lots of questions from the photos I had and what I thought would be a half hour went for over an hour and a quarter.

Dinner Wednesday night was something else. Carol had arranged a dinner for me to farewell me and next week being Easter meant it was on tonight. A dozen people from Philakahle staff and board and Jackie a student from Pretoria got a candlelit dinner. Vusi Maphalala who I know the least and had the least to do with made a speech which had me in tears. The reference to the “old man” was a sign of respect not of my age. He said he could see I was an old man who moved fast (sounds like I am at work) and said some really nice things. My response was about having learned a lot more from these guys than they from me. I was humbled and appreciated this time here as a contrast to our material wealth in Oz and their self sacrifice every day I was with them. Also I indicated I knew visitors were difficult to accommodate and I was appreciative of their warmth and openness. Present tonight were from the Board John Green, Mumtaz Asmal, Monika Holst and staff were Vusi, TK, Ntombifuthi, Mamsey, Busi, Carol, Thembi, Phum.

1 comment:

  1. I believe South Africa was a good experience to you I have a funny request. You make mention of a person, Monika Holst, that you met here. I need her contacts, or give her my email, I met her some 20 odd years and would like to reunite with her. The fun is: A South African want an Australian to find a South African. Thanks.



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