
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A busy Monday

The Kindy class ayt Intumbane

Monday 30 March
Went to the clinic at 7.30am for my second rabies shot. Meds had not arrived from Emmaus so was told to return later in the day. Just what I needed.
Went to Intumbane to take photos of each class. Spent time talking to Bongke and the principal about the St Peters waterpump and went through the quote I had picked up on the way suggesting the school should look at its resources as St Peters were paying for the pump and installation and the irrigation needed to be a school project
Got through 16 classes in 90 minutes setting up each group in their class with teachers. Kids are just so well behaved and responsive. Aussie teachers would die to teach here. Got away about 11.30. Rang and cancelled lunch with Christine Mennell as I had to spend time with Thembi and TK helping with the presentation for the Canadians tomorrow and had some other things including my rabies shot to attend to so the drive to Winterton was out.

Got to clinic still no rabies shot so the very nice 70 yo (yes 70 yo) nursing sister gave me my shot using someone else’s medication and said she would repay that person when mine arrived. She explained the SA pension she got from all her working life was inadequate so she just keeps on working ( I assume there will be many in the west in the same boat after the WFC).

Went through the presentation with Thembi and did some editing. Got her to run thru and gave her some feedback. The quiet shy Zulu girl four days ago was developing some confidence. Monika wanted to go through it with her so I left her to do that on her own. Feedback later that night was very positive. Thembi Tk and I spent till 7pm working on a monitoring report for AAF back home. These guys work hard.
Dinner Monday night just with Carol as no other guests tonight.

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