
Monday, March 2, 2009

Kenya (3) in Text and photos

Monday We drove through a squalid village called Karanjee where people lived in huts which would not afford much protection against the winter cold. Someone stopped Bernard as we drove up one of the streets and it turned out they taught at a school set up for OVC that taught some of the children Bernard’s program supported. French money keeps this very modest school function. We visited Mary’s pre-school at Limuru which goes up to 5 years of age. These would be the best behaved kids in the world. Polite and courteous and studious even at three years of age. I was taken to each class and spoke to kids and various children from the OVC program were pointed out to me.

Lunch to Brackenhurst, a large guest house for up to 300 people set up by the Southern Baptists. After lunch to the Kenyan Baptist Theological College library. Bernard is the former principal and everyone we met greeted him warmly. Unable to access internet here so I went to Brackenhurst to do some research on AIDS in Kenya for the proposal. 40 minutes internet allowed time to download some recent information. From here back t the school to pick up four kids to take them home (see separate blog with photos titled Lucy Wanjiku).

Home, a race up the hill with Judy and Maureen (see separate blog Australian Hack outpaces two Kenyan sprinters half his age). We visited a couple who lived around the corner I had met the day before at church. Jesse and Paris are both accountants with two children. Paris had just prepared dinner for the girls and gave us some Mukimo (mashed potato, maize beans and greens). The girls ate all theirs but I barely dented mine. Both work 8am to 5pm. Jesse at a golf resort (owned by one of the politicians) and Paris for a property company (also owned by a politician). We stayed till about 7.30 pm returning for dinner which comprised mashed avocado, fried spinach (recipe in my head) and a casserole of maize and beans plus rice. Very tasty and one could become a vegetarian when eating like this.

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