
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kenya 5 in Text

I had discussed with Bernard spending Wednesday on his proposal as I wanted to ensure he had something to finalise which could go to AAF for consideration. Dropped at he church office at 9am. The construction work is amazing. Twenty guys on site moving tons of gravel and sand by hand and making concrete and scaffolding by hand. By afternoon all the support pylons had been hand poured.

The day essentially spent talking to Margaret and Jane about the OVC program and commencing the proposal. I also showed Bernard the Channels of Hope Program from KZN which he said is exactly what he is looking at doing. I spent the day essentially writing. I was amazed at how much I got through. Rose came by at lunch time to assist Jane with accounting. Rose is studying her CPA and is not far off finishing. It was interesting to observe Bernard interact with these people the last two days. Patient in his explanation of how things should be done, why this was required emphasising all the time the need for proper recording so others who may have to fill the breach understood from the books exactly what is happening. Bernard spends time in the office and I am not sure if they are prearranged appointment but he gets many people coming to see him for counselling. I got a proposal with three program objectives substantially drafted. Margaret and Sam assisted me with the activities and were keen to contribute their ideas. I hope I have not raised their expectations too much.

Dinner tonight turned out to be with Jesse and Paris who live just down the road from Bernard’s. I had called in Monday night to say hello briefly and felt it a bit rude leaving after a short time so said I would visit after work Wednesday. Lo and behold they had arranged with Mary and Bernard for us all to go for dinner. It was an interesting evening learning about their culture which is still strong. As middle class as this couple aspire to be (both are accountants) I heard they still went through the dowry system but it was cash not cows. They have two kids, Faith and Joy and Rose from the church is Paris’ cousin. One of the kids put a wedding video on from a wedding they had been to in November and it was interesting to observe that and talk about it. Judy and Maureen were also there. Maureen was surprised to hear we had mobile phones in Australia and assumed Kenya was the only country in the world to have acquired mobile phones.

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