
Friday, February 27, 2009

Thusday 19 Feb

Thursday – Another office day. However Broadreach were visiting for two days from Joburg and Thembi arranged a meeting with them. A separate report to the Board will be provided which will form part of the evaluation. A very good feedback on Philakahle’s effectiveness.

A guy named Marcus had some clothes to donate so went out with him and collected them from his home at Bethany. He told me he was the last surviving of five children. One died prior to his birth and the other three in their thirties. He was a fairly upbeat character who is clearly trying to improve his lot in life. He is hoping for work at Ladysmith. Lives with his mother who is disabled. Her social grant is their only income. He was interested in Australia and hoped to visit one day. Given most of the people in the programs I have met are women he was a standout. The clothes we collected had been there for some years and were the clothes of his deceased siblings.

The rest of Thursday was office stuff. The Board met at 3pm and I was invited to sit in. John Green thanked me for the photos sent to him about Zamimpillo. Board was interested in feedback on staff meeting. I have arranged to lead a planning workshop for staff and board members in March. Meeting arranged with Monika for an hour tomorrow. Thursday night for dinner had the French back so the Spaghetti Bol I had made last week was served up. I added some fresh rosemary and some more tomatoes to spin it out and the verdict was very positive from everyone. Definitely one of the best I have made. A Swedish PhD student Rebecca was staying for the first time.

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